Short biography
Artist, curator, exhibition designer, academic teacher. PhD in Fine Arts. Head of the Interactive Space Design laboratory of the Interior Architecture & Design Faculty of the Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts and Design (PL). In the period 2013-15 researcher within the Thematic Spaces Department of EXPO 2015, in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano (IT). Author of numerous interactive installations, experimental projects dedicated to public space. Co-author of Interactive Playground, project realized in 2008 together with Patrycja Mastej and Paweł Janicki, produced by WRO Art Center which so far has been experienced by over three hundred thousand viewers in major art galleries and museums – from Moscow to Edinburgh. Her activity revolves around the idea of dialogue between the work of art and the audience. Realized objects often occur as small architectural forms prompting onlookers to a deeper interaction.