IP is a kind of spatial experimental and visual laboratory. Its main goal is to stimulate the imagination and creative activity of the recipients. Initially dedicated to children, with time it has become an inclusive platform for all age groups. Regular presentations in various Polish museums and its high popularity among both younger and adult spectators have become an incentive to make the original assumptions about the target group more flexible.

The overarching idea that guides the project is building constructive artistic attitudes through stimulation coming from direct contact with the phenomena of visual arts and new media. The created space is to be an area of discovery, reaction and inspiration of the phenomena being learned, it is to ensure visitors freedom of individual treatment and assessment of the surrounding phenomena.

Most of them have been expanded to include an interactive media component based on a motion detection system. IP is a group of activating objects representing various forms of interaction with the recipient. Installed installations give a wide range of exploration using the senses. They were designed for viewers showing various interests especially those who do not have to deal with culture and art on a daily basis. A large percentage of the Interactive audience is also a group of recipients with psycho-physical disabilities.

Realization: 2008

Co-authors: Patrycja Mastej, Paweł Janicki

Production: WRO Art Center


Area about 35 sqm

An installation in which users, moving – like in a playground play – through colorful fields, create sounds resulting from playing with color, space and movement.

Realization: 2009-11

Co-author: Paweł Janicki


It is a sound/visual installation based on the author’s software, permitting multiform playback through intuitive interfacing (using a set of four tambours – cylindrical objects that transfer a beating rhythm to sensors) and generating colourful, animated microbiological forms. It is a kind of musical instrument that uses the basic visual concepts of texture and colour as well as musical rhythm, metre and harmony.

Realization: 2009

Co-author: Paweł Janicki


Area about 15 sqm

A spatial arrangement of nine cubes made of transparent plastic in the basic additive colors: red, green and blue, and with the involvement of appropriate lighting. Openings in cubic objects and a system of specially arranged passages enable the recipients to immersively perceive the interpenetrating colonist constellations. The phenomenon of additive color mixing can be deepened with the help of specially prepared kaleidoscopes.

Realization: 2008


Installation in the space monitored by the camera placed above the screen. Gestures that play with glowing toys are recorded by the motion tracking system. With the help of special software, information about the history of movement is translated into abstract images and sound in an interactive way. The size, form and color of the image displayed on the screen corresponds to the position of the toys set in motion by the participants of the game.  Installation can be genereted on a few screens at the same time.

Realization: 2008

Co-authors: Patrycja Mastej, Paweł Janicki


Work combining visual and tactile acoustic experiences. The motion detection system will record the movement of the hands touching one of the five surfaces with natural textures – stones, water, steam, bark, grass – launching a large-format projection based on photographs of changing nature, visual and sound animation. Individual projections differ from each other depending on the number and sequence of activated invoices.

Realization: 2008

Co-authors: Patrycja Mastej, Paweł Janicki
